
The T-Rex

Primitivo is a humanized T-Rex, with 73% animal DNA, and 27% human DNA. He was born in Teruel, Spain, but he moved to Barcelona when he was 25, looking for a most promising work future.

In Barcelona he knew Aurelia. She was his beloved wife and was his partner in life for 55 beautiful years, until she passed away two years ago, when Primitivo lost his big support.

Primitivo is now 82 years old, is retired and his life is basically based on taking long walks in the city, while he criticizes the successive changes in society. In fact, he feels a special hatred for the music that today’s young people listen to. He says, that this is definitely not music.

He enjoys watching construction works, giving advices to workers and he always stop over the park and tries to solve all the problems in world with his friends, meanwhile they play a hand of cards or dominoes.

He is a ballroom dance passionate, hobby that he had in common with Aurelia. Together they shined in the most popular dance floors in the city and although it is not the same, now a days he doll himself up, and some Sundays afternoon he still going out to shake his booty.

He has the strange habit, to collect obituaries that appear every day, on newspapers. He keeps those that are funny for him or those that stand out and he imagines, with what would be written in his own obituary.

It seems that Primitivo has lived a life full of adventures and he filled a lot of pages in his diary, but please do not confuse yourself. Primitivo still having his battery charged.